MARA RC Run Schedule 🏃‍♂️

MARA RC Run Schedule 🏃‍♂️

MARA RC Run Schedule 2023


Mondays | 7pm
City Loops

Our coached city track session designed to improve speed, endurance and strength

On a scale of 1/10 being a walk and 10/10 being a full out sprint, expect this session to push you to an 8 or 9/10!!

80% of your runs should be EASY
20% of your runs should be HARD
This is your HARD session of the week!!

From hill efforts and intervals training to improve your 5k/10k pace to strength and conditioning work to improve form and endurance

A fun and inclusive session for MARA members designed for ALL ABILITIES

You can walk the whole session, do a few of the efforts, do all of it - every session is designed on YOUR perceived effort

As long as you’re working hard and it’s feeling like an 8or9/10 - that’s perfect!

Anyone is welcome to come along and give it a go for free and then if you like it and want more, get involved and join the club🥇

Coached session for MARA Members


Wednesdays | 6:30pm
Club Night
Lichfield & Stone

Lichfield Meet @lichfieldhealthandfitnessclub
Stone Meet @stoneleisurecentre

Everyone is welcome
Our FREE community club night
A social, mindful, midweek easy run
Build your endurance with aerobic miles
Run with good people
Always a conversational pace
Run at YOUR 2 or 3/10 effort

There's two options:

5k Run
First5 30min Walk/Run

Typically the 5k is ran between 25-35mins

And the First5k group follow a 3k loop along the same route and walk/run for up to 30mins

Walking is welcome
Going slow is welcome and encouraged
It’s the only way to build that aerobic foundation
And all club runs are led by our team of run leaders so no one gets left behind!


Weekend Long Runs | Sat/Sun
Lichfield & Stone

Saturday | 7am
13mile long run
Coop Boley Park, Lichfield 
avg. pace between 5:30-6:00min/km

this group is for those comfortable running 13miles and is self-guided without run leaders


Sunday | 9am
45min+ long run
avg. pace 6min/km

this group is for those comfortable running for up to an hour and have a MARA run leader present


To Note:
Weekend Long Runs can depend on numbers and updates will be shared in the club community group via whatsapp the day before.

Meet points for City Loops and LongRuns can also vary each week depending on the session and the location is shared in the club community group via whatsapp the day before.


See you out there!
Keep running xx

You can join the club here
or if you have any Q’s DM us on insta @marafunclub 👋

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