Personalised coaching to help you achieve your goals

1-1 coaching with our MARA coaches to help you achieve your running goals. We focus on enjoying every stride, staying consistent and learning to love the process. Reach your potential, and enjoy it.

We could help you

  • Complete your first marathon
  • Improve a PB
  • Run your first 5k
  • Train for an ultra
  • Learn to love running

What's included?

A personalised training plan

Built around your goals and lifestyle

Sync your plan with your watch

Just click 'run' and your session loads up with in-run guidance – like having your coach there on the run with you to guide you

An app to plan and track your sessions

Both you and your coach will have access to the app to track your progress

Fortnightly check-ins

Chat with your coach to review your progress, listen to feedback and make any tweaks or changes to your plan together

Ongoing WhatsApp support

Access to your coach whenever you need it

Strength and conditioning

Build core and leg strength at home or in the gym to improve your running

Race support

Guidance and preparation in the weeks leading up to any events you may have

Nutritional support

How to fuel and hydrate properly, pre-, during and post-run especially important as you run further

Equipment advice

What shoes do I need? What trail running equipment do I need? Any questions you might have

Mobility and recovery

Stretching and recovery rituals to help you through the training and post-event phases

Mindset coaching

From breathing techniques to visualisation. These practices help you find presence and improve performance. This is the true unlock to your running potential, all built into your training plan

Our philosophy

Combining mindfulness practices with traditional expert run coaching to unlock your potentiual.

Imagine a training plan with breathing techniques and interval sessions

Our approach will help you enjoy your running and give you the tools to improve. Giving you the motivation, guidance and consistency to go further and faster.

Your run coaches

  • Train with George

    £89 p/m
    Including MARA membership worth £8.73p/m

    • 5x Marathoner
    • 3x Ultra Marathoner
    • MARA Founder
    • Qualified Run Leader and Coach
    See Instagram 
  • Train with Sam

    £109 p/m
    Including MARA membership worth £8.73p/m

    • Been coaching for 8 years
    • 11x 70.3 ironmans
    • 3x full ironmans
    • Atlantic Row World Record Holder
    See Instagram 

Get in touch to get started

Ready to go even further?

Stop suffering, take your practice to the next level and unlock your full potential with our next level of coaching, MARA Pro. Go further with MARA.