So for 2 years now we've been known as MARAFUN RC

What started as me changing the name of MARATHON to MARAFUN was about me making sure I had fun.

It was a reminder to enjoy the journey

Don't race to the finish

I used to hate running and this was to remind me to focus on enjoying it and the rest will follow

And that is everything we stand for

That is what this club and brand is all about

And that will never change

I've always noticed that everyone calls us MARA

"You going to MARA tonight?"
"Is MARA at Parkrun this weekend?"
etc. etc.

I've always said 'we are MARA' 

"it's like Rapha for Running" someone said to me recently

Run clubs, club kit, community, run clothing like sweatshirts and beanies, retreats and experiences and now even ice baths and the ice club.

It's made me realise it's all one brand, one mission.

One brand that stands for enjoying the journey.

Not striving for the finish line.

Finding peace and presence in every mile, every step, every breathe.

That's how you unlock your potential

And it's about community

Share the journey and you'll go further

and life's more fun :)

A new logo, a new name, a new instagram handle, a new strava, a new website, new locations
but the same ethos, the same brand, the same philosophy, the same values and the same mission

A run club that doesn't care who runs fastest or furthest
A brand that brings people together and helps you go further, run faster and run free

We're coming to the end of 2023 (it's our Christmas do next week - year 2!), and as we keep evolving now feels like the time to level up ...

I think 2024 is the year to bring MARA to life and to really commit to the brand and the club.

More miles, more marathons & ultras, 5ks, 10ks & halfs, more club runs, more city loops, more parkruns, more coffees, more socials, more trail runs, more ice baths, and more experiences together.

There's already 100s of us across Staffordshire and beyond, running mindfully, running free, and running together and I hope that continues.

Let's go.
See you out on the trails, on the track, on the road and in the ice.

GB x

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